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Choose Wisely

choose_wisely [1]Life offers us many choices. We should choose wisely.

We can choose to be happy or sad. Spend too long being sad and it becomes a habit, and you can become a toxic person.

I know people who can’t wait to get upset about something – outraged even. They seldom ever say anything positive about anybody. Their arrogance is amazing: everybody but them is stupid.

And they’re always making themselves out to be victims. Everybody, it seems, is out to get them. No doubt you know the type. Personally, I get them out of my life as quickly as possible.

We can choose optimism or pessimism. I don’t mean blind optimism, a “She’ll be right” attitude in situations when it probably won’t be right and you’d better start thinking of ways to deal with the situation. But life is good, if you look for the good in your life. If you look for bad things in life, and the world, no doubt you will find them. But this can also become a habit and make you miserable.

Abundance or lack perspective. We can choose to be a ‘glass half full’ type of person or a ‘glass half empty’ type. I love focusing on abundance these days, but I had to practise this. We grew up in a typical struggling fifties family where we didn’t have much money.

Don’t get me wrong – we never lacked what we needed and we never lacked love. But we weren’t endowed with material wealth. As our financial situation began to improve, our prosperity consciousness needed to improve with it. What you focus on expands. Focus on abundance and you enjoy more abundance.

Action or inaction is a choice we must make. Sitting and waiting for business, or working hard on the wrong actions, is a career killer for people of all professions. You can go to real estate school, attend real estate courses – any real estate training you like – but at some point you have to get to work, and work hard and on the right actions. It’s a choice.

You can also choose gratitude, or feel the world owes you a living. Do you know any people who never stop whingeing about the state of the country, the health system, the cost of living? Go and get sick in most other countries in the world and you may come to realise how good we have it in Australia and New Zealand.

With so much to choose from in life, we should be careful what we choose. Choose to be happy, to work hard on the right actions, to take good meaningful breaks, to focus on abundance and to be grateful for our careers, families, and lives.

Happiness is a choice and it comes from a good attitude and choosing wisely. Enjoy life – the other alternative looks pretty grim to me!