Real Estate Training Articles and Videos

What Messages Are You Sending Your Team?

Leadership success hinges on the messages we send to our people, whether or not we realise that we are sending messages all the time. I learned many years ago that our kids watch what we do and pay more attention to our actions than they do to what we say. I think team members are . . .   more →

Hiring – Don’t Be a Heart Buyer

Desperate hirers are not good hirers. When we become desperate for staff we make rash, and often wrong, decisions. We hire with our hearts and not our heads. In this short leadership session, real estate business adviser and trainer, Gary Pittard, explains the importance of keeping our pipelines of potential winning team members full, so . . .   more →

Good News, but not the Right News

“These experts preach to all who will listen that prospecting—proactively pursuing prospects—no longer works. What’s particularly dangerous about this false teaching is that it is exactly what the struggling, reactive salesperson wants to hear.”

Jeb Blount
Fanatical Prospecting

Jeb Blount, founder of and author of Fanatical Prospecting, wrote that there are many sales trainers . . .   more →

No Rookies, No Future

I saw this description on an agency’s Twitter feed: “Experienced agency. No rookies… [Agency name] has been providing service to…”

It made me think. Time in the industry – “experience” is no indicator of performance. Among the clients that attend Pittard real estate training, we can cite many examples of rookies who outperform so called . . .   more →

The Lonely Leader

They say it’s lonely at the top. But for many leaders they are lonely, not because the nature of the position, but because they don’t have a team. And the reason leaders do not have a team is that they have never fully devoted themselves to building a winning team.

If you don’t have . . .   more →