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Your Ideal Day

If you had to describe your ideal day, would you describe a day where you made a sale, perhaps two?

While this is understandable, and certainly a good day, it is far from ideal. Unless you achieve other vital results, days where you make a sale will be few. How often do ‘sale’ days happen for you now? Would you like more?

You can make more ideal days, rather than waiting and hoping that they will happen.

If not a ‘sale’ day, what, then, is an ideal day?

Ideal days like this might be rarer than ‘sale’ days, but if you want more days where you make a sale, add into every working day the actions that lead to sales.

Prospecting –> Listing appointments –> Listings –> Seller feedback (price reductions) –> Sales

It’s the chicken-and-egg question, only easier to answer. There are no sales unless you attend to the actions that lead to the sale.

Want more ideal days? Do the ideal actions.

Gary Pittard