Real Estate Training Articles and Videos

The More You Learn

Show me an industry where you can earn six-figure incomes without knowing what you are doing. I’ll bet that you cannot name one. Yet this is what many real estate people – salespeople and leaders – seem to think. Many believe that they can earn high incomes without learning, study and practice.

The real estate industry demonstrates a low regard for training. The real estate industry is also one of the most lowly-regarded for honesty, competence and integrity. I do not think this is a coincidence.

Some years ago, NSW introduced compulsory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for real estate practitioners. I can understand the reasoning behind this, but the sad fact is that you can qualify for a year’s CPD with just four hours’ training.

They don’t say “The more you learn, the more you earn” for nothing. Your knowledge and skill is what sellers are paying you for, and four hours’ training isn’t sufficient to be competent. We all know that many practitioners do just enough training to qualify for CPD.


I agree that good training can be expensive, both in monetary and time investments, but training can easily give you a $100 return for every dollar invested. Despite this, many try to get by on free training.

But the ‘free stuff’ will only take you so far. You will get the odd good idea, but free training is not organised into systems that you can implement over the long term.

Think about it – do you really believe that any trainer is going to give you the whole story – all their training systems – at no charge? What you get is a little ‘taste’, just enough to whet your appetite.

You think you are training, but all you are really doing is SAMPLING. Those little tastes will never make you great.

You are the investment

Next time you are tempted to think that training is ‘too expensive’, ask yourself, “What am I spending this money on?” It’s not training, it’s YOU. You are the investment!

You are not investing in training; you are investing in yourself and your ability to boost your income through increased knowledge and skill. You are investing in your ability to feed your family, and to enjoy longevity and a high income in your real estate career or business.

One more thing:

Training makes you better. ‘Better’ earns more than ‘mediocre’.

The more you learn the more you earn.

Gary Pittard


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