An Eye For Results
Talking with salespeople at differing skill levels, I notice a subtle, but critical, difference between the pros and the rookies. The difference is that pros have an ‘eye’ for results.
Let me explain.
Talk to a professional salesperson and the conversation quickly moves to results. How many listings they got, how many listings they’re working on. Likewise with sales – sales they’ve made, sales they have ‘cooking’.
Contrast this to a rookie or struggling salesperson. The conversation bogs down in process – how many people they’ve prospected, how many appointments they’ve attended. These conversations centre around actions.
Whether their actions were the right actions that lead to results hardly rates a mention.
Don’t get me wrong, process is important – but focusing on process alone may see you lose sight of the bigger picture.
When I interviewed Jeff Haden, author of The Motivation Myth, for Pittard TV, he said:
“Your goal must always choose your process”.
Put another way…
Your planned RESULTS determines the ACTIONS you do.
Without a focus on results, actions can be random, misdirected, and make you no money.
Ask a rookie or struggling salesperson, “Why do you prospect?” and the answer will most likely be, “To find somebody who wants to sell”. And while this is technically correct, contrast the answer to one a professional salesperson will likely give to the same question: “To get a listing!”.
Actions are a means to an end. That end is the result.
Focus on the results you want, then choose the actions that will get you those results. Then get to work on those actions, but always keep in mind that it’s the result you’re after.
Develop an eye for results. You’ll achieve more.
Gary Pittard