Leader and Coach
Do you have a team of winners? Do you have salespeople who are new? What about established salespeople who are in slumps? Or salespeople who are doing well but want to take their performance to new levels? Or plodders? Or people who really should leave?
Many teams are a blend of these and if you have such a blended team it is your task as leaders to develop these people into a cohesive team comprised entirely of winners.
You are their leader. If you are their leader you are also their coach. You might not think so, but it’s true. Even leaders who do not consciously coach their salespeople are doing so without knowing it.
Like children, team members do not listen so much to what you say, but watch what you do. Your actions speak volumes about your intentions, culture and character.
Leaders who tell their salespeople they need to do more training, but who never open a book, nor run a training meeting, are not seen as credible to their teams. By default, they train their people to be mediocre.
Actions have consequences. So too does inaction.
Real estate training is serious business.
If you don’t take real estate training seriously, you won’t have a serious business!
If you want your team to win, you have to train it to win. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly… forever.
You have to weed out and remove those who either will not train, and those who will not use their training in the field. All team members must increase their knowledge, develop in skill and improve in their results. If they will not do that, the best place for them to work is with your competitor, but certainly not with you.
I believe that training and coaching is the missing link between individual performance and team performance.
Leaders try to work with ‘teams’ but forget that teams are made up of a group of individuals. Leaders try to train teams but often neglect to coach individuals.
Of course you must conduct team training, but you must individually coach each person on your team so that you become aware of his or her weaknesses. You then coach the individual to improve in their areas of weakness.
Better trained individuals, when put together, form a team that is easier to train and easier to lead to peak performance.
Coaching is a major part of the leadership role. Want to be a leader? Then you must be a coach!