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The Lonely Leader

They say it’s lonely at the top. But for many leaders they are lonely, not because the nature of the position, but because they don’t have a team. And the reason leaders do not have a team is that they have never fully devoted themselves to building a winning team.

If you don’t have a winning team it is always lonely at the top, because there is nobody at the bottom. In order to call yourself a leader, you must have followers. It’s an essential requirement!

But leadership goes beyond merely having followers. If you want to build a great company, you need a healthy number of:


While you work on your own, or with only a small team, or with an incompetent team, you don’t have a business; you have a job.

If you don’t have the team size or quality you desire, there are four steps you should follow:

  1. Admit it.
  2. Become determined to build a winning team.
  3. Understand that building a winning team requires time, expense, effort, determination, persistence, and the willingness to face disappointment. It’s not easy, but if it were, every real estate business would have winning teams.
  4. Get on with the job.

Team building IS YOUR JOB.

Getting on with the job requires you to plan and then implement winner attraction systems, proven hiring and selection systems, effective start-up strategies, and ongoing training programs.


I don’t mean to insult anybody, but look at what typical real estate systems have accomplished and then decide if you want those systems in your business. We still have a huge turnover of salespeople in our industry, many sales departments are not profitable, and most salespeople who enter our industry do not succeed over the long term.

Use typical industry systems and you can expect typical industry results.

Pittard conducts regular leader webinars where we discuss issues such as these. Visit our website https://pittard.com.au/webinar-leaders to register for the next free leader webinar on Tuesday 29 September 2015.

If you want proven hiring systems that are helping many leaders build profitable businesses, contact us about an obligation-free viewing of our revolutionary Agency Profit System. It costs you nothing to look, so what have you got to lose?

You and your business are separate entities. Your business should be able to survive without your personal sales production because, if it cannot, you don’t have a profitable sales department. You can fix this.

You build a great business around PEOPLE, but the leader should not be the main player, and never one of only a few players.

Nobody succeeds alone. If you think it’s lonely at the top, do something about it – find some company!

Want to reach your profit potential? Contact us now.


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: (02) 8217 8500
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International: +61 2 8217 8500

: info@pittard.com.au

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