The Tomorrow Principle
What is a result? In real estate only three things count:
- An exclusive listing obtained;
- A sale started;
- One of your listings reduced in price to a point where it is saleable.
The best advice ever given to me as a fledgling salesperson was to strive for one result each working day. “Learn to start working on this result as soon as you get into the office” I was told. “Keep working on the result until it’s achieved.”
Although sometimes difficult to accomplish, I have found that those salespeople who keep their careers this simple out perform those who arrive at the office each day wondering what task they will tackle first.
Get to the office; work for a result. Can Time Management get any simpler?
Now for the bad news.
I have seen many salespeople begin their careers with the intention of obtaining a result each day, but before too long they fall victim to what I call The Tomorrow Principle.
Having completed all of his appointments for the day with no result, the salesperson says, “I’ll do better tomorrow” and resigns himself to no result that day. Before you are tempted to write off a day without a result, give some thought to how you could get one even though you have no more appointments from which you could expect today’s result.
You might not have any listing or buyer appointments left that day, but performing the first of two jobs might still produce a result before you go home, while the second will set you up for a result tomorrow.
Job Number One: make a time to visit one of your sellers (vendors) – visit in person – talk with the sellers about what needs to be done to get their property sold. Talk about the Asking Price Adjustment you know they need. As long as you have listings, you can always get a result.
Job Number Two: make sure that tomorrow is set up with at least one listing appointment, one appointment with a qualified buyer, and one appointment with one of your sellers (vendors) to talk about an Asking Price Adjustment. If tomorrow is set up with good appointments, you will have a much better chance of getting a result.
You might still finish the day without a result, but by putting up a good fight before you give in to The Tomorrow Principle, you will at least assuage your guilt because you know you gave your best effort to get a result before going home.
If you have fallen out of the habit of striving for a result each working day, may I suggest that you join us at the next presentation of Winning Ways?
It’s not what you know that will make you rich, it’s what you do with what you know. Attending seminars regularly reminds you of the things you know, but may have ceased doing. We attend seminars to remind ourselves of what we’ve forgotten, and forgetting simple disciplines like obtaining a result a day, which leads to The Tomorrow Principle, can cost you thousands.
To find out more about the next presentation of Winning Ways please click here.