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Where To From Here?

As leaders we’ve spent a large part of the year dealing with uncertainty, perhaps even dealing with our fears and with those of our team members and our clients.

So, where to from here? To a large degree, that’s up to you.

In the early days of the pandemic we took a mental battering. One leader told me that he felt he was ‘living in dog years’. Fortunately, that feeling passed, but for a while we were putting in some long days, and mentally challenging ones at that.

How is your thinking now? How are you feeling now?

Are you feeling optimistic with hope for the future? I hope you are. Because how you think and feel determines how you act. And your actions determine your success.

We’re heading into the last quarter of 2020. If you’ve followed my advice from previous articles, you’ve ramped up your office’s marketing and have your team prospecting.

And if you’re smart, you’ve got your team training. Now is not the time for incompetence.

I heard a few leaders say that having their salespeople on the JobKeeper allowance was like having them on paid leave. Really? Who tolerates people like that?

Time to dust off the cobwebs and get to work. There are people out there who want to sell, and there are people who want to buy. Let’s go and look for them and sign them up.

So far, you’ve brought your business through some harrowing times, but now is the time to set goals for your business and to put the focus back onto results.

Where to from here?

You decide. Up or down – you’re leading your business somewhere!

Gary Pittard

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