When it comes to forming new habits, willpower is what you need. With willpower you can say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to yourself and mean it. In this short sales session, real estate business consultant, Gary Pittard, says that if you feel that you lack willpower, take heart: willpower can be exercised. Start small. Make a . . . more →
Author: Gary
Your Capacity To Market
Over the past year, I have spent a good deal of time visiting real estate businesses. To those clients who attend our business system presentation, Agency Profit System®, to those thinking of opening a real estate agency, and to those who are interested in rebranding their agencies (moving from a franchise or marketing group to . . . more →
Successful people identify their priorities and spend the bulk of their time working on them. In this short leadership session, real estate business consultant, Gary Pittard asks real estate agency leaders whether they know their most important priorities. Often, short term priorities, such as rectifying a shortage of sales, require immediate attention, but these are . . . more →
What Will You Do Differently?
We are fast approaching the halfway mark of 2017. Now is a good time to reflect on your results so far. If correction is needed, the sooner you begin the better.
Are you happy with your present results and income?
If not, what will you do differently from this point onwards?
If you keep doing what you have . . . more →
In this short sales session, real estate business consultant, Gary Pittard, asks, “Have you ever put off doing a chore that you thought would be difficult? You dreaded doing it but it proved to be much easier than you thought. Prospecting is like that. It’s just not that difficult. All you have to do is . . . more →
Teaching Results Focus
Over the decades, I have worked with many focused leaders and teams. You know these teams when you are among them – they have fun, but they never lose sight of their targets and the actions required to reach them.
I have also worked with unfocused leaders and teams. Almost everybody in these companies is caught . . . more →
The Second Tier
Regardless of their structures, even the most complex of hierarchies can be broken down into two tiers, and these two tiers have nothing to do with title. In this short leadership video, real estate business consultant, Gary Pittard, explains that the value the individual gives to the company, and the degree of difficulty in replacing . . . more →
What and How Do You Study?
If you aren’t studying your profession, it is only a matter of time before your competitors overtake you. A rusty salesperson is a broke salesperson.
What are you studying now? And how do you study?
Mix it up
There are mountains of good study material and my advice is to mix it up so we stay interested. The . . . more →
Aim High
In this short sales session, real estate business consultant and author of Why Winners Win, Gary Pittard, illustrates how Adam McMahon, from Dignam Real Estate in Thirroul, NSW, Australia, lifted his performance from ordinary to extraordinary. Adam now produces fees in excess of $1.4 million, but earlier in his career he had difficulty getting past . . . more →
What’s Your Plan?
I don’t want to alarm you, but we are nearing the end of the first quarter of 2017. Are you following a plan that you devised in late 2016, or early January 2017? Put another way, what’s your plan?
Pittard works with some highly profitable real estate businesses. Several make over $1 million profit just . . . more →
The Leadership Curse
Business leaders are faced with many challenges, but for some, overcoming the Leadership Curse should be their number one priority. In this leadership session, real estate business consultant and author of Why Winners Win, Gary Pittard, explains what the Leadership Curse is, and what needs to be done to eradicate it.
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Plan Your Training
David Farrugia, from Macquarie Real Estate in Casula NSW, spoke at Pittard’s Real Estate Agents’ Convention in Brisbane, November 2016. He made many interesting points, including explaining how he plans his training. David trains ‘on purpose’.
Each month, David selects a topic and studies that topic only for the coming month.
For example, if he . . . more →
Contact Creates Contracts
In this short sales session, real estate business consultant and author of Why Winners Win, Gary Pittard, explains why staying in touch with clients is good business. Contact creates contacts. You must go out and meet people. This is the beginning of relationship building and salespeople who sit waiting for business to walk in the . . . more →
Growth Isn’t Always Good
Growth appears to enjoy good press, but is it always a good thing? I don’t think so. Here are two examples.
A person contacted me saying that he was thinking of opening a real estate agency. He and his wife had another business that still required a good deal of input from them both and would . . . more →
How To Make Less Profit
Real estate business consultant and author of Why Winners Win, Gary Pittard, acknowledges that this title is a negative one, but success is not always about doing the right actions: it is just as important to stop doing certain actions. Real estate businesses are notorious for ‘following the herd’. They offer clients few, if any, . . . more →
We hear much about Time Management, but can we really manage time? Every one of us has the same 1,440 minutes each day. Why, then, do some people do more with their time than others?
The answer is that those people manage themselves and not time: They manage themselves within the time they have available.
The basic . . . more →
What If?
How has this past year been for you? Are you happy with what you have achieved? If not, why not? The only way results change is when actions change. Take last year’s actions into the new year, and you can guarantee that you will see the same results. In this short sales session, real estate . . . more →
The Blame Game
In preparation for her interview on Pittard TV on 19 January, I read Susan Scott’s book Fierce Leadership. I read her other book Fierce Conversations many years ago. Both are excellent books.
To clear up any misunderstanding Susan uses the word “fierce” to indicate conversations that we must have – those conversations that if left unsaid . . . more →
Double Standards
Business owners can be quick to complain about the actions their team members are not performing, but are often guilty of failing to perform the actions to which they themselves have committed. In this short leadership session, real estate business consultant and author of Why Winners Win, Gary Pittard, explains how double standards can tarnish . . . more →
Mind Your Manners
You don’t hear about manners much these days, but in addition to other benefits, good manners are a great selling tool. And they are a selling tool that cost nothing. They don’t say ‘mind your manners’ for nothing!
Don’t Get It
If you are a member of an online chat group, it won’t take long before bad . . . more →
Your Path to Mastery
People who choose Sales as a career have three options when it comes to shaping their careers: 1. Do as little as possible and hope for success; 2. Put in the hours but not the study; 3. Work at becoming great. In this short sales session, real estate business consultant, Gary Pittard, says that we . . . more →