Real Estate Training Articles and Videos


Choosing the right technology for your business can be so confusing that many real estate agency leaders put it in the ‘Too Hard Basket’. In this short real estate leadership training session, real estate trainer, Gary Pittard, discusses the most important aspects of technology.

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Leader and Coach

Do you have a team of winners? Do you have salespeople who are new? What about established salespeople who are in slumps? Or salespeople who are doing well but want to take their performance to new levels? Or plodders? Or people who really should leave?

Many teams are a blend of these and if you . . .   more →


Successful real estate agencies have leaders who set high standards, and who ensure those standards are maintained. In the absence of high standards we can be pulled down to the level of those who have low standards, mediocrity being the end result. In this short real estate leadership session, Gary Pittard discusses those standards most . . .   more →


We all like to have fun, but you can have too much of it, and too little.

Too much fun

Salespeople occupy their positions for one purpose: to make sales.When there is too much fun in the office it can often be at the expense of results. Leaders tread a fine line between balancing results while . . .   more →

The Best Leadership Tool Ever

Whether you are interested in the leadership of a real estate agency, or the leadership of any other business, like most leaders you may be looking for good leadership tools, tools designed to help you lead your team to higher results and therefore more profit for you.

Real estate sales and leadership trainer, Gary Pittard, will . . .   more →

The Lonely Leader

They say it’s lonely at the top. But for many leaders they are lonely, not because the nature of the position, but because they don’t have a team. And the reason leaders do not have a team is that they have never fully devoted themselves to building a winning team.

If you don’t have . . .   more →

Pretend To Be Poor

Real estate sales and leadership trainer, Gary Pittard, says, “I have seen many people go broke because they spent more money than they earned. While their credit lasted, they pretended to be rich. But the day always comes when it’s time to pay the piper. Out the back door go the big spenders”.

A smarter strategy . . .   more →

Brightness of Future

Author, Mandy Johnson, wrote an excellent book, Winning the War for Talent. It is a book that every leader and manager should read.

I spoke with Mandy recently about a challenge several real estate business owners had raised with me: salespeople resigning after working in real estate sales between eighteen months and two years.

Mandy . . .   more →

Five Signs Of A Poor Leader

None of us is the perfect leader, but there is no doubt that some have mastered the art of leadership better than others. In this short leadership session, real estate sales and leadership trainer, Gary Pittard, points out five signs that indicate poor leadership. Forewarned is forearmed. Being aware of the signs of poor . . .   more →

Work, Then Play

No doubt you can think of salespeople who spend more time not working on results-producing activities than they do on activities that will earn income. I hope that you are not paying salaries to these people!

But leaders, too, can fall into this trap. I call it the “Field of Dreams Syndrome“, or “If . . .   more →

Spend Money To Make Money

You’ve got to spend money to make money!” WHO SAYS? Spending money to boost your profits should be a last resort. There are other ways to increase profit and to reduce expenses without large inputs of cash. Join real estate sales and leadership trainer, Gary Pittard, for this short leadership session that shows how to . . .   more →

The Open Door Policy

Are you the kind of leader whose door is always open to team members? In this short real estate leadership session, real estate management expert, Gary Pittard, describes why an open door policy might not be such a good idea. If your door is always open, you could be setting yourself up to micromanage, and . . .   more →

Get to the Point

Think about all of the meetings you have ever attended during your business life. Were most a waste of time, if not downright tedious?

Without doubt, you have attended many meetings where you felt like homicide if they didn’t end soon. Perhaps you are gentler than me, but I know I have. These bad . . .   more →